Saturday, 16 February 2013

You can say whatever you want!!!

So, here we go again, i just don't get it.. whenever me and my unnie get too closed,
someone or something tried to knock us down..
for example, my sister or even my cousin get jealous..
i mean, come on..grow up,..
i treat everyone fair and square..

And recently, some 12 years old idiots get jealous..hello!!!
you're just 12.. when i was 12, i never gossip or saying a bad thing just to tear my own family member apart..
what happened to community nowadays???

The story started when one of them says:
"well, who do you think is much prettier??
Bell or Sasha???..I think Bell is the best"..

Just hearing about this conversation makes me burst out laughing..
i mean, its obvious that Sasha is beautiful.. its proven everytime we hangout together,
all attention is on her..and by saying I'm prettier is just a BIG FAT LIE!!

and we also make a video about us dancing 'Gangnam Style' in funny version,
they even teased us..we're just like..

and the elder one also make a bad statement about Bede and Andy when they 
heard that we are closed and having fun hanging out,..
if you're jealous, just speak your mind..
Do NOT hurt their feelings by giving a bad comment..

So, to the jealous one out there..
I got advise for you all..
Please,.i mean please,.GROW UP!! some of you have reach mature..
even my dog is more mature than most of you..
i'll treat you well if you are nice to me..
Who the hell is treating you bad when you are being such a sweet heart? None, right..

So please, let us live our lives and cherish our moment.. you never know what tomorrow will bring..
wanna be my best friend? You're always welcome..just remember..
i didn't treat ones more than others..

Grow up, people!!!
